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2.1.1 This project is proposed to feed two pets at the same time and it will be given three time a day. It can hold up to three-day meal without worrying another pet to eat the other pet foods. Usually, owners of the pets are busy going to work and do not have time to take care of their pets’ meal at home. They just fill in the container with large amount to make sure that their pets are get enough foods. Thus, this project is developed to let the owner of the pets can control the feeding time and watching their pets from different places.

2.1.2 There are few main objectives based on this project:

1. To design a system that can feed two cats at specific time without staying in the same room but can watch them eating by just pushing a button on smartphone.

2. To develop a food dispenser for cats that can dispense three times meal a day with a fixed portion.

2.1.3 The scopes of the projects are:

1. Used Raspberry Pi 3 model B+

2. Thonny Python is the software that has been used as the source code editing for Raspberry Pi.

3. Stepper motor is used to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. It is attached to the valve to dispense the cats’ food with the fixed portion.

4. 16x2 LCD display is used together with I2C to connect lesser jumper to Raspberry Pi. LCD display used to display last feed time which means that it will show time and date for latest feeding time.

5. Push button is used to dispense the foods physically which mean that when not using IOT or application, the dispenser can dispense food by pushing the push button.

6. Raspberry pi camera is used to monitor the cats eating while owner of the pets is in the other room.

2.1.4 The project began on 17th August 2020 and will be completed by 15th November 2020.


Most of the owner will be having difficulty to feed their pets on time every day because they need to go to work or outstation yet they want them can have their meal three times a day. The owner need fill up the pet’s plate more, so that the pets can eat without they need to wait owner to come back and feed them. Pets’ owner cannot control the amount of foods and drinks of their pets without a smart pets’ plate. The occurrence problem is the pets will eat more than the portion that they need to eat and this will make the pets to gain weight and unhealthy. This will cause obesity and diabetes onto the pets.

Many of pets’ owner will have problem which is their pets need to eat different food for either medical and pet type reason. There will be many reasons for this problem, such as there will be different pets in a house which are dogs and cats, different health level such as one of the cats sick the other are heathy, and one pet need to eat less than the other pet that eat normal portion.

Next, the problem that often occur is when the owner need to feed their pets but they are not at home to feed them food. So, owner need a guardian or a smart pet’s plate that can feed their pet while there are not at home. Owner can observe and watch their pets eating without staying in the same room with just using their smartphone and connected with WIFI. Besides watching their pets eating, owner also need to interact with their pets. They need to talk and call the pets to eat on time. With the vice versa function, owner also will be heard their pets sound on their smartphone.


This project is to dispense cats’ food with fixed portion for three times meal a day. The pet feeder dispenser is come with LCD Display and raspberry pi camera that connect to Raspberry Pi 3 model B+. In this project, there are Raspberry Pi 3 model B+, stepper motor button, camera and 16x2 LCD display.

Figure 2.1 shows the full circuit for the whole project that must be completed by end of November. As shown in Figure 2.0, it has a 16x2 LCD display and stepper motor connected to Raspberry Pi. In Figure 2.1, is whole connection for the project which is Raspberry Pi camera connected but still not functioning well because the coding is still undergoing. The coding to combine all components also is not completed yet.


3.1.1 Methodology taken by weekly:

Ø Week 1 and 2, focused more on searching information and coding on how to use python language to do this project on Raspberry Pi. In this both weeks, components for the project bought via online and software needed to write coding was downloaded.

Ø Week 2 and 3 were used to design the system that suitable for control the pet feeder. On week 2, preparation for presenting and defending the proposal to the examiners.

Ø Week 4 was used to reedit the coding using python language. Many errors occurs during the modification of the code. But, the problem and errors fixed.

Ø Week 5 tried to connect Raspberry Pi to 16x2 LCD display and stepper motor but it not working well at first. Then did the research again about the language and try to understand the python. Used VNC viewer to run the coding and interfaced.

Ø Week 6 , errors occurs when run the code for LCD display. Modify the source code according to demand of the project. Errors fixed, LCD display works well.

Ø Week 7 and 8 , trying on combining code for all components such as push button, stepper motor and LCD display. Combining code is still in progress and will done by week 8.

Ø Week 9 , building the prototype for project. Troubleshoot the problems may occurs.

Ø Week 10 , Final report in progress. Keep trying and troubleshoot the software and hardware combination.

Ø Week 11, Final preparation for the project.

Ø Week 12, Final report preparation.

Ø Week 13, Log book and final report submission

Ø Week 14, Final project presentation.

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